Node Guardians

Node Guardians is a gamified educational platform that creates lore-rich programming challenges for experienced Solidity, Cairo, Huff and Noir developers.

Node Guardians is a gamified educational platform that creates lore-rich programming challenges for experienced Solidity, Huff, Cairo and Noir developers. Think of it as a skill-based RPG where developers can become familiar with specific stack components and a place where they can showcase their abilities.

Skills Upgrade

We have created a series of coding challenges called β€œquests” to engage smart contract developers, providing them with the knowledge to build safe and gas efficient applications. In addition to practical skills, we also provide theoretical knowledge about crypto history, technology and economics through building a library of articles that break down complex concepts of distributed systems & decentralized finance.

Public Good

Node Guardians is a public good for developers and will always remain so. In addition to supporting the growth of cool ecosystems, we plan to make the platform sustainable by managing infrastructure across various networks.

Rewarding non-contributing operators wastes funds, we prefer community-building and education.