DappTools: Supercharge Your Smart Contracts

DappTools is a suite of Ethereum focused CLI tools following the Unix design philosophy, favoring composability, configurability and extensibility.

DappTools is a suite of Ethereum focused CLI tools following the Unix design philosophy, favoring composability, configurability and extensibility.

But so is hardhat, right?

Yeah, but hardhat is not perfect and the JavaScript based testing workflow is a nightmare and has following issues:

  • So much boilerplate
  • Context switching: The mental gymnastics of switching between two different languages to test the same functionality is like having a penguin as your co worker, you might think itโ€™s exotic and adds value. But it doesnโ€™t.
  • It gets complicated real fast.
  • Its painfully Slow for complex tests, you are still making RPC calls behind the scenes And no, adding typescript to the equation doesnโ€™t help.

Simply put, working with JavaScript to test solidity is like trying to put out a fire by blowing at it, it works for a small fire, it gets increasingly difficult to put out as it gets bigger. And before you know it, youโ€™re out of breath and in tears wishing there was a fire extinguisher all along. DappTools is the fire extinguisher. It can help you fix bugs in your smart contracts that can cost you millions of dollars.