Learn to Earn - Data program

OurNetwork contributors and the Dune team are partnering up to bring to fruition Web3's first learn-to-earn data program

OurNetwork contributors and the Dune team are partnering up to bring to fruition Web3's first learn-to-earn data program. We'll spend 30 days teaching a cohort of 30 students how to analyze data in Web3 and communicate their work publicly.

This first cohort was from Oct - Nov 2021, but all material were released publicly on Mirror for anyone to follow along with.

Week one: Learning to become an Etherscan detective, no using premade tables yet!

  • Lecture 1: Looking at basic call and event data on Ethereum L1.
    • navigation on Dune, and how to do basic SELECT queries on data tables.
  • Lecture 2: Creating basic statistics for L2 data and bridges potentially.
    • how to do aggregate, group by, and CTE queries

Week two: Making sense of smart contracts, specifically learning to work with composability!

  • Lecture 3: Decoding smart contracts into data tables and working with data from multiple events
    • How to do basic joins and unions, and using Dune Decode
    • Using tables prices.usd to get to more informed data tracking.
  • Lecture 4: Querying across DeFi and DAOs
    • More advanced joins, and windows/partitions.
    • Introduce dex.trades.

Week three: Putting it all together, to become an open-source query Dune Wizard!

  • Lecture 5: Creating complex but reusable queries.
    • How to create User Generated Views and Materialized views
  • Lecture 6: Working with NFTs
    • Working with nft.trades and NFTs more generally

Week four: Dashboards and Storytelling, really connect with the community behind the data!

  • Lecture 7: Telling stories with your charts, formatting well
  • Lecture 8: All about using parameters for really custom and flexible dashboards.